Workshop A

Time: 9:00 am
day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day


Owing to exciting advancements in the applications of cell therapies to autoimmune diseases developers are looking to grasp as many opportunities here as possible. However, with the vast amount of autoimmune indications, numerous cell therapy types, and other available therapy modalities, assessing which indications to tackle and the long-term feasibility of developing a candidate in this space is crucial.

Join this workshop to:

  • Learn from experts in the space on how the cell therapy for autoimmune disease landscape has been evolving to grasp novel opportunities and understand areas of unmet need that are feasible to tackle 
  • Gain insights into key considerations when entering and expanding in this space including raising capital and market trends. 
  • What has the investment in this space been looking like so far and what promise does the future hold? 
  • Evaluate the benefit-to-risk ratio when expanding into new areas and to understand which indications have most unmet need and may benefit most certain cell therapy types 
  • What are some new hurdles we haven’t seen in oncology before for developing cell therapy candidates for autoimmune disease in the long run?
